Brandeis Weekend

We finished the Brandeis University tournament weekend with a 3-1 record. We are now 4-2 overall. We pulled out a hard fought 5 set victory over an undefeated Babson team. We then defeated Rhode Island College 3-1 in the nightcap.

The great part of the evening was having dinner at Lindsey Beggan's house! Her parents were super-nice and cooked us a homemade meal- the first home cooked meal many of the team members had since leaving home in late August. The food was terrific and we all greatly appreciated it!! Thank you very very much to the Beggan Family!!

Saturday morning starting out with a slight bit of panic as our Graduate Assistant, Coach Moshier, mistakenly locked the van key in the van. Not to worry though as Paul Guthorn was in for the weekend and had rented an SUV. We piled players into the SUV and my van and took off. Coach Moshier had to wait for AAA to arrive, but thankfully made it to the gym just in time for the match! You never know what unforeseen events life will throw at you!!

We played a terrific Brandeis team in the first match of the day and, despite a hard fight, lost in 3 close sets. Our next, and final, match was against Smith College. We played great and won in 3 sets- for the first time this year! It was a wonderful way to end the weekend...and made the van ride home much more enjoyable.

Junior Molly Ullman was named to the All Tournament Team!! Congrats Molly!!

1 comment:

Laurie Gilmore Ullman said...

Way to go, Bantams!
I wish I could have been there!
Molly said the meal at the Beggan's was amazing ... that was so sweet of them.
Good luck and hope to see you soon ...
Laurie Ullman :)