Happy Holidays!

To all the members of the Trinity Bantam Volleyball community: Happy Holidays!! To all the current student-athletes, good luck with your finals!!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday season. Enjoy your time with family and friends...and remember, moderation is the key!! There's always lots of tempting treats lingering around during the holidays. Enjoy yourself, but...moderation is the key!!

I am already looking forward to next semester and seeing the Bantams working hard in the off-season. 2009 is going to be a terrific year for us. I believe we all learned a lot from the 08 season and we will use it to make us better. This is the time of year to be reflective, and I know I certainly have reflected on our season quite a bit. We had some really great wins, and played some terrific volleyball...and we also had some challenges and losses. We will learn from those losses and they will only serve to make us better in the long run. I firmly believe that, and I'm very excited to back in the gym in the fall of 2009.

Enjoy the holidays! Thanks to all who supported our team throughout the season. Have a very happy new year! Be safe.


-Coach Bowman

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