So Far, So Good

We are now 5-2, overall and more importantly 2-0 in the NESCAC. We have had a some really great wins over a very tough and scrappy Eastern CT team, a big and strong Bates team, and an extremely tough serving Colby team. We played well in each of these matches, but of course, need to polish up some of the details an continue improving.

The trip to Maine was fun. The weather was nice and we had a terrific bus driver. All the players loved the comfy beds at the Hilton Garden Inn. It was like a mini-vacation.

We have 5 practices this week, and then on Friday we are heading up to Storrs to watch the UCONN women's volleyball team battle the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. Earlier this year Notre Dame upset No. 3 it should be a great opportunity for us to see some really incredible volleyball!!

This Saturday we are off to Norton, MA to play Wheaton and Roger Williams in a tri-match at Wheaton.

We're getting pumped!!

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